25th August - La Citta

One of Richards old games (2000) this week, La Citta. It's a city building, feed the people game but is fairly abstract.

Matt 31, Richard 30, Steve 27, Garry 23

18th August - Chicago Express

I've had a copy of Chicago Express/Wabash Cannonball for over a year and this is only the 3rd time I've played it. A really great game that we should play more.

Jo 133, Garry 114, Steve 101, Matt 90, Richard 45

11th August - Agricola

Another game of Agricola. True to form I did even worse than ever, I put this down to turning 50 over the weekend and seem have gone into premature senility. I think I need to play a few solo games to get the hang of it.

Steve 53, Richard 50, Garry 26

Afterwards we had a quick game of Hol's der Geier which I managed to win so I don't feel to bad.

Garry46, Steve 44, Richard 30

4th August - Tigris and Euphrates

I wasn't here this week but Matt, Steve and Richard played Tigris and Euphrates