20th March - 1655, Ingenious, Mundus Novus

Matts choice so he chose 1655 Habemus Papam which is a game about selecting and voting for the pope. There are loads of games with this theme but this one rises to the top.

Garry 16, Steve 15, Matt 11

Then a game of Ingenious.

Matt 12, Garry 8+, Steve 8

After these 2 games we still had time for more so we had a game of Mundus Novus.

Matt 86, Garry 71, Steve 64

13th March - String Railway: Transport & Santiago de Cuba

It was my choice this week so it was an ideal opportunity to play a train game, not enough time to play 1830 so we tried String Railway: Transport a Japanese train game where the tracks are pieces of string. I thought it would be a light fun family type game but it turned out it's a 'proper' game about route planning and goods delivery. Excellent game, can't wait to play again.

Garry 31, Steve 19 (2nd on tie break), Matt 19

String Railway plays nice and quick so we had time for Santiago de Cuba which nicely distills Cuba down to an hour or so.

Matt 37, Steve 30, Garry 27

6th March - Assriya

Another bargain from the works for £7.99, and I can kind of see why. Assyria isn't a bad game but it just feels as if they tried to jam in one mechanisim too many. Each part of the game worked quite well on it's own but together it became a bit messy.

Ben 128, Matt 123, Steve 115, Garry 111

28th Feb - Mundus Novus & Samurai

Just 3 of us this week. We started with Mundus Novus a nice meaty card game, once you get past the poorly written rules it flows quite nicely.

Steve won, Garry 74, Matt 69

The time for an oldie, Samurai, I'd forgotton what a brain burner it can be.

Steve 1st, Garry 2nd, Matt 3rd