15th March - Steam

We thought it was time to introduce Ben to Steam, Lance had only played Age of Steam once and that was years ago. We played the basic game which makes the finanaces a bit easier to control.

Matt 44 (tiebreak), Garry 44, Ben 42, Steve 20, Lance 19

8th March - El Grande

An oldie this week (no, not me, the game), I've not played El Grande for years, didn't seem as nasty as I remember.

Matt 110, Garry 91, Steve 83, Ben 79

Then time for a few rounds of Hols der Geier

Steve 44, Matt 32, Garry 24, Ben 20

1st March - Caylus

I was away last week but Matt sent me the results of the Caylus 'they shoot horses don't they' endurance fest.

Steve 114, Ben 93 Matt 83
what! what! what! Matt beaten by a newbie?

22nd Feb - Ingenious

Matt was going to be a bit late so Steve and I started with a couple of games of Jaipur.

Garry 2 Steve 0

Once Matt arrived we played Samurai, I've had this for years but not played it much recently.

Matt won on the number of tokens captured.

We still had plenty of time so we played a couple of games of Ingenious.

Garry 9, Steve 8, Matt 7
Matt 9, Steve 8, Garry 7